What is the ruling if the owner sells something to his Mazun slave? Print
Kitabul Mazun [Incapacitated person given permissi - Definition

Question 1383) - What is the ruling if the owner sells something to his Mazun slave?

A: It is permissible at market rates or less, not more. This condition is also only when the slave is indebted. !f the owner hands the item over before payment, the price is void.*

* Because if the item is handed over before taking the price then it becomes a debt against the slave, and debts to the owner are not established against a slave. Once the price is void it is as if the owner sold without a price. The sale is thus not valid. What is meant by the price being void is that the owner cannot demand it from the slave and will instead take the goods back from him. [al-Jawharah].

~ al-Quduri ~