Wife, Brother, Sister and the Children of a Deceased Sister Print
Kitabul Faraid [Inheritance] - Sundry regulations

Wife, Brother, Sister and the Children of a Deceased Sister

Question: A man passed away and his wife passed away after him. He is then survived by a brother. sister and the children of a deceased sister (who passed away in his lifetime). How will his estate be distributed?

Answer: After settling all debts and expenses as determined by the Shari'ah, the estate will be divided into 4 shares and distributed as follows:

Heir??????????????????? Share

Wife ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? 1

Brother??????????????????? 2

Sister????????????????????? 1

His wife's share will be distributed amongst her heirs. The children of the deceased sister will not inherit. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3