What are the Sunnahs of Wudu? Print

Question 6) - What are the Sunnahs of Wudu?

A: They are:

1. Intention - he intends removing Hadath or making permissible that which is not permitted except with Wudhu.

2. Washing the hands till the wrists thrice at the beginning of Wudu. He should wash properly if he has arisen from sleep. He should therefore wash them before placing them in the water vessel.

3. Mentioning the Name of Allaah before beginning wudu.

4. Using Miswaak [toothstick].

5. Rinsing the mouth thrice.

6. Placing water in the nostrils and blowing it thrice.

7. Wiping the entire head.

8. Wiping the ears.

9. To interlace the fingers through each other.

10. To pass the fingers through the beard.

11. Washing each part thrice.

12. Following the order as mentioned in the Noble Quran. He thus washes his face first; then the hand till the elbows; then wipes the head; then washes the feet till the ankles.

13. To begin each time with the right. He thus washes his right hand then the left hand. In the same way he begins with the right foot then the left.

14. To wash the next part without break.

15. To wipe the neck.

~ al-Quduri ~