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What is the ruling concerning lighting lanterns and lighting up the Masjids on the 11th of Rabee-uth-Thaani? PDF Print E-mail
Imaan and Aqaa'id - Sects

Burning Lights and Lanterns on the Eleventh

Q: Imaan-67: What is the ruling concerning lighting lanterns and lighting up the Masjids on the 11th of Rabee-uth-Thaani?

Answer: The custom of burning lanterns and earthen lamps on this night and placing them in shelves is not permissible and acts of Bid'ah that resemble the Diwali celebrations. Burniug lights in the Masjid that are more than the Musallis require is an act of wastefulness and if the trustees of the Masjid use the Masjid funds for this, they will have to pay the money back. The same applies for the night of Baraa'ah (15th of Shabaan).
It is stated in Majaalisul Abraar that it is an act of Bid'ah to light lanterns on the streets and in the marketplaces on the night of Baraa'ah. The same applies to the Masaajid and the trustees will be liable to replace the Masjid funds even if the contributor makes the condition that the funds may be used for this because such a condition is invalid if the trustees use their own funds for this purpose, they will be guilty of wastage and destroying their wealth, which, in the clear context of the Qur'aan, is Haraam.'

Fatawa Rahimiyyah (Vol.1)
