What is the ruling of the Shari'ah concerning assisting a person whose actions conflict with the Shari'ah? Print
Imaan and Aqaa'id - Kufr

Assisting those Whose? Actions conflict with the Shari'ah

Q: Imaan-45: What is the ruling of the Shari'ah concerning assisting a person whose actions conflict with the Shari'ah?

Answer: The person who approves of a sin is also a sinner. And it is necessary to avoid a Faasiq as far as is possible. Allaah says, "Then after recalling (the command to leave such people), do not sit with the wrong doers"

Avoiding such people is best for the protection of one's Deen and is also an admonition for the wrong doers. A Hadith states that when the Bani Israa'eel started to sin and their Ulema stopped them from it, they refused to take heed. The Ulema, however, continued to mix and dine with them. As a result, the effects of their evil soon infected the hearts of these Ulema and the good people became just like the evil ones. It was for this reason that they were then cursed by the likes of Hadhrat Dawood ALY. and Hadhrat Isa ALY.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah (Vol.1)
