Facing the Back towards the Qibla When Relieving Oneself Print
TAHAARAH - Cleanliness - Qibla

Facing the Back towards the Qibla When Relieving Oneself

Q: Taharaat-11: What do the Ulema of Deen have to say about a man who built a new toilet in his house in such a manner that one's back faces towards the Qibla when relieving oneself? The tenant insists that this is not permissible and that it has to be changed. If this is nor permissible. We would be thankful if you could point out any ways to rectify' the situation.

Answer: The tenant is absolutely correct and it will be necessary to change the direction of the toilet. Rasulullaah SAW. said, "When you use the toilet, neither face towards the Qibla nor face your back towards it." Fuqahaa state that facing the front or back towards the Qibla while in the toilet is Makrooh Tahreemi, regardless of whether the toilet is within a built-up area or not As long as the toilet is not changed, turn yourself to sit in a manner that you do not face your back to the Qibla. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2