Reciting Bismillaah before Surah Faatiha'in every Rakaah Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Surahs

Reciting Bismillaah before Surah Faatiha'in every Rakaah

Q: Salaah-73: Someone says that Bismillaah should be recited before Surah Faatiha only in the first Rakaah and not in the subsequent Rakaahs. He maintains that those who do recite it are wrong. Is he correct?

Answer: This is incorrect because Bismillaah should be recited silently before Surah Faatiha in every Rakaah. There is no prohibition from reciting Bismillaah in the second, third and fourth Rakaahs. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2