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Warning Against Passing in Front of a Musalli PDF Print E-mail
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - General

Warning Against Passing in Front of a Musalli

Q: Salaah-415: People pass in front of Musallis performing their Sunnah an Nafl salaahs and do not desist despite being told. What is the ruling in the Shari'ah?

Answer: A person performing salaah has to be respected because he is engaged in conversation with his Rabb. When even in worldly circles it is considered improper to pass through a gathering engaged in conversation how much worse is it to pass between a Musalli and Allaah? It causes a disturbance to the Musalli, because of which the Hadith has termed such - passer-by as a Shaytaan.

Other Ahadeeth state that if the passer-by knew the gravity of the crime of passing in front of a Musalli, he would prefer to wait for many years rather than pass by. Musallis should also ensure that they do not perform salaah in areas where people need to pass by. Otherwise, they should ensure that they have a Sutrah (screen) in front of them. The Sutrah needs to be at least an arm's length or two hand spans in height and as thick as a finger.

There are some Masaajid where people perform the Sunnah and Nafl salaahs in a courtyard and other pass in front of them on a raised platform. It is incorrect to regard this platform as a Sutrah. Therefore, the people passing by on such a platform will be sinful. It is also wrong to apply the situation of the Haramain to our Masaajid since people there pass in front of Musallis, And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2