Taking an Oath to Perform Seventy Thousand Rakaahs Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - General

Taking an Oath to Perform Seventy Thousand Rakaahs

Q: Salaah-486: Fearing the worst for my serious illness, my son took an oath that he would perform seventy thousand Rakaahs if I became well. He is however a weak person and is engaged in managing his business all day He therefore performs the salaahs in eight Rakaah units, completing 24 Rakaahs a day. However, it would take him at least eight to nine years to complete at this rate. Is there any form of Kaffaara that he may discharge which would absolve him of the oath? Can the salaahs be shared amongst the other members of the household or can you suggest any other alternative?

Answer: There is no time limit within which he needs to fulfill the oath, but he should endeavour to complete the Rakaahs as soon as possible. No Kaffaara can compensate for the oath. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2