What Should a Masbooq do when there is a Large Crowd in the Haram? Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Salah of Masbooq

What Should a Masbooq do when there is a Large Crowd in the Haram?

Q: Salaah-7: It often happens to people performing Hajj that the only place where they get space to perform salaah in the Haram is in the doorway, where people are always passing through. Now when such a person misses a few Rakaahs behind the Imaam and needs to stand up to complete them after the Imaam makes the Salaam, even standing becomes almost impossible, let alone making Sajdah because people are trying to pass by. This is worse after the Asr salaah because there are no Sunan to perform after the Fardh. Will salaah in such a situation be valid if a person gets up to complete his missed Rakaahs before the Imaam makes Salaam so that he can be finished before people start to get up?

Answer: In a situation like this when it is almost impossible to complete the missed Rakaahs, a person should sit in the final sitting (Qa'dah Akheera) only for the duration of reciting the Tashahhud, after which he should get up and quickly complete the missed Rakaahs. Salaah will be valid in this situation He must however ensure that he does not get up before the duration of reciting the Tashahhud. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2