If the Masbooq Made Salaam with the Imaam for the Sajdah Sahw Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Salah of Masbooq

If the Masbooq Made Salaam with the Imaam for the Sajdah Sahw

Q: Salaah-515: A previous Fatwa of yours stated that the Masbooq should follow the Imaam in Sajdah Sahw without making the Salaam. The question is that if the Masbooq does make the Salaam with the Imaam, will he need to perform Sajdah Sahw at the end of his salaah or will his salaah be instantly nullified? Such a situation did arise here and some people say that the salaah is nullified. Please clarify.

Answer: The salaah of the Masbooq will be nullified if he made the Salaam knowing that he still needs to complete the balance of his Rakaahs. However, if he did so in error, the salaah will not be nullified and he will not need to perform Sajdah Sahw either because he is still following the Imaam at this stage and Sajdah Sahw is not necessary for an error that a follower makes. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2