The I'tikaaf and Jamaa'ah Salaah of a Person whose body Emits a Foul Odour Print
I'tikaaf - General

The I'tikaaf and Jamaa'ah Salaah of a Person whose body Emits a Foul Odour

Q: It'kaaf-20: (1) A person is born with a nasal disease which causes an odour to emit from him constantly, despite all forms of treatment. Can such a person sit in I'tikaaf?

(2) Can he attend the salaah in Jamaa'ah? The other Musallis are pleased to tolerate the problem and, in fact, they are actually offended when he does not make an appearance. Nonetheless, should he come to the Masjid in the interests of observing the sanctity of the Masjid?

Answer: (1) A Hadiths makes it clear that any person who eats raw garlic or onions should not attend the Masaajid because the angels are inconvenienced by that which inconveniences people. The reason stated in the Hadith is inconveniencing the angels and people. Therefore, a person form whose body a foul odour is emitted may not attend the Masjid for salaah or for I'tikaaf.

(2) Even though friends and acquaintances have learnt to tolerate the odour, the person should stay away from the Masjid because the angels also attend the Masaajid. This applies when the odour is so offensive that it would clearly inconvenienced these angels as well as other people. However, if the odour is not too offensive and can be camouflaged with some perfume, the person may attend the five daily salaahs. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3