Watching a Cricket Match on Television Print
Kitabul Hazhr wal Ibahah [Prohibited and permitted - General

Watching a Cricket Match on Television

Q: Prohibitions and Permissions-20: Is it permissible to watch a direct telecast on television such as a cricket match? Some people say that watching television is completely Haraam, but watching it with a camera in between is just like watching it directly with one s own eyes.

Answer: Allaah describes the successful Mu'mineen in the Qur'aan as being people who avoid futile acts.t This refers to acts that will neither benefit one's Deen nor one's worldly affairs. Such acts are waste of time. Rasulullaah SAW. stated that avoiding futile acts is amongst the factors that contribute to the beauty of a person's Islaamic lifestyle.

What benefit is there in watching cricket on the television? It is sheer time wasting and can therefore not at all be allowed in Islaam. Cricket nowadays involves gambling, mixing of the sexes and betting, all of which is forbidden. Muslims should therefore avoid such activities and employ their time more usefully. A Hadith makes it clear that on the Day of Qiyaamah, people will be asked about where they spent their time, especially the time of their youth. What answer will one then be able to give if one spent one's time watching cricket?

We have been sent to this world to prepare for the Aakhirah and every moment needs to be employed for this purpose to prevent regrets on the Day of Qiyaamah. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3