Sitting and Performing salaah when there is Fear of Wind being Passed when Bending in Ruku and Sajdah Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Miscellaneous Questions

Sitting and Performing salaah when there is Fear of Wind being Passed when Bending in Ruku and Sajdah

Q: Miss-19: I have a serious problem with flatulence in salaah. When I bend down to perform Ruku and Sajdah, the pressure on my stomach causes the wind to be released, thereby breaking my wudhu. I am now concerned about how I am to complete my salaah.

Answer: If pressure applied to your stomach causes wind to be released, perform your salaah in a manner that does not cause pressure to be applied. You may sit and perform salaah in a manner that you make indications for Ruku and Sajdah (leaning forward), ensuring that the indication for Sajdah is more pronounced to differentiate it from that of Ruku. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

(1) The Imaam's Salary and Scale, (2)Seeking Government Intervention for the Salaries of Imaams to be Improved, (3) The Importance of Masaajid in Islaam, (4) Proper
Administration of the Masaajid by Allaah-Fearing and Righteous Imaams, Mu'adhins and Trustees, (5) AIIaah is the Provider

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3