Omitting 'As Salaatu Khayrum Minan Nowm" in the Fajr Adhaan Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Azan and Iqamah

Omitting 'As Salaatu Khayrum Minan Nowm" in the Fajr Adhaan

Q: Salaah-327: If the Mu'adhin omitted to say, "As Salaatu Khayrum Minan Noum" in the Fajr Adhaan, will the Adhaan need to be repeated or not?

Answer: If he realised the error while calling out the Adhaan, he should repeat the omitted words until the end. If he realised the error immediately after calling out the Adhaan, he should also repeat the omitted words until the end. However, if some time elapsed before he realised the error, it will not be necessary to repeat the entire Adhaan. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2