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I pay zakat at 1st of ramadahan. I have cash in my hand / bank around 8,000 at the first of ramadhan. At the same time, 6 months ago, i started a small business, and now the.. PDF Print E-mail
Fasting - Ramadan

Q: 108 – Title: I pay zakat at 1st of ramadahan. I have cash in my hand / bank around 8,000 at the first of ramadhan. At the same time, 6 months ago, i started a small business, and now the..


I have some questions about zakat.. lets say the nisab is 10,000

I pay zakat at 1st of ramadahan. I have cash in my hand / bank around 8,000 at the first of ramadhan. At the same time, 6 months ago, i started a small business, and now the asset is about 20,000. Do I have to pay zakat this year? Do I have a separate calculation about cash in bank and hand and my business, and pay their zakat separately ? This business is not an official businness with office etc, is a home-business selling some halal food for some muslim workers here in japan, but somehow it has become a bit bigger now. My money in deposit is part of my salary as well as my business ( i don't make a proper calculation about the business, since I intend to do it occasionaly when I have time only). Please explain..
jazakallaahu khair


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

At end of your zakatable year, which is 1st of Ramadan, you add up all your wealth, regardless of when it was earned.  Thereafter, you subtract your expenses and calculate zakah on the leftover if it is more than nisab.

Thus, even though the business only started six months ago, you will add 8,000 to 20,000 and pay 2.5% on 28,000 (minus any expenses).

And Allah knows best

Wassalaamu `alaykum

Ml. Abrar Mirza,
Student Darul Iftaa

Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah