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maulana sahib iam a student here in australia and i got married 4 months ago. iam still not earning and my father is supporting me PDF Print E-mail
Fasting - Ramadan

Q: 118 – Title: maulana sahib i am a student here in australia and i got married 4 months ago. i am still not earning and my father is supporting me


Asalam alikum mufti sahib. I hope All of you are in best state of your emaan and health. May Allah subhanu ta’ala shower his blessing on all the ulema karam. Mufti ashen tofay iam approaching you because Alhumdulillah i have a new born cousin and we are searching for a name for him as i ‘ve heard from ulema that the name has a great effect on the person. Can you please give me the meanings and origins of following names and kindly suggest few name of our pious and brave predecessors

1)      Aryan

2)      Shezan

3)       Ishfaq

2) maulana sahib do u think about watching the videos on www.wakeupproject.com

3) maulana sahib i am a student here in australia and i got married 4 months ago. i am still not earning and my father is supporting me financially. do i have to pay zakat on the money which i have in my bank account which is there for me to start business and for my day to day expenses. secondly do i have to pay zakat for my wife jewellery. what is the tarteeb to pay zakat i.e how much zakat on how much amout and all the other details.

JazakAllah kher.


In the name of All?h, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalamu 'alaykum wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

We have found only the meaning of the following name in our dictionaries:

Ishfaq means: compassion, pity, sympathy, tenderness, affectionateness.

(Hans Wehr, Pg. 478, spoken service languages inc. Third edition)

It is best to keep the names of the Sahaba, Anbiya, and pious predecessors.  Here under are a few names of our pious predecessors:

Adam, Sheeth, Sulaiman, Esa, Musa, Yunus, Ismail, Zakariyya, Ayub, Yahya, Ilyas, S?aih, Muhammed (Alahimussalam)

The above are a few names of the Ambiya.        
The following are the names of a few Sahaba (Radiyallahuanhum ajmain):
Abu-Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Hasan, Husain, Ja`far, J?bir, Abdur Rahman, Zubair, Sa`d.

2) It is not permissible to watch these videos due to the many Haram elements which exist within them.

3) The amount of 612.35 grams of silver or 87.479 grams of gold or cash to that value is called Nisab of Zakat. (Minimum amount to be in possession for the liability of paying Zakat).
For example, if the price of silver is quoted at A$ 4.40 per gram then the Nisab will equal approximately to A$ 2.702.

If the money in your bank account is equivalent to the value of Nisab or more than the Nisab amount, and this remains in your possession for a complete lunar year, it will be W?jib upon you to give Zakat at a rate of 2.5% of the total amount in possession at the end of the lunar year.

(Hashiyatut Tahtawiy, Pg.714, Ilmiya) [1]

If you had possessed money equivalent to the value of Nisab for a time less than a lunar year, there after this amount decreased to less than the Nis?b and after a time within the lunar year it returned to the original amount or more; in this case also Zakat will have to be paid.

(Bada`i us Sana`i, Pg. 387 Vol.2 Ilmiya)[2]

For example: if you had Nisab amount at the beginning of the lunar year and you possessed that until six months into the lunar year, thereafter it decreased to less than the Nisab amount for 2 months, then it increased above the Nisab amount and remained at or above the Nis?b till the end of the lunar year then you will have to pay Zakat on the whole amount at the end of the lunar year.

(Behisti Zewar, Pg.297, Vol.1)

If the value of your wife’s jewellery is equal to the Nisab, or more than she will have to pay 2.5% of the total amount.

You could also refer to Fatwa #17114 on the Ask Imam site for further clarity.

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
Wassalamu 'alaykum

Ml. Muhammed Sindhi,
Student Darul Ifta

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Ifta, Madrasah Inaamiyyah