i had made the intention to fast on the 15th of this month during the night.but when I got up at fajr time,i saw a drop of blood,it was my menstrual date.what should i do in such a case?should I break the fast immediately or is there any other ruling.shou Print
Fasting - Ramadan

Q: 147 – Title: i had made the intention to fast on the 15th of this month during the night.but when I got up at fajr time,i saw a drop of blood,it was my menstrual date.what should i do in such a case?should I break the fast immediately or is there any other ruling.should i have to make up for this particular fast?


Asalamualaikum,i had made the intention to fast on the 15th of this month during the night.but when I got up at fajr time,i saw a drop of blood,it was my menstrual date.what should i do in such a case?should I break the fast immediately or is there any other ruling.should i have to make up for this particular fast?


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salamu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh.

If you saw the blood before dawn (i.e. before the beginning of the Fajr Salah time) then your fast was never there to begin with and you do not have to make up that nafl fast.[i]

If you saw the blood after dawn, then the onset of haydh has invalidated the fast, whether the fast was fardh or nafl. You have to make up this fast another day. [ii]

And Allah knows best.

Ml. Sohail Bengali

Chicago, IL (USA)

Concurred by:

Mufti Abrar Mirza

Chicago, IL (USA)

Under the Supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai (South Africa)


،قوله وركنه بروز الدم من الرحم ) أي ظهوره منه إلى خارج الفرج الداخل ) [i]

فلو نزل إلى الفرج الداخل فليس بحيض في ظاهر الرواية وبه يفتى قهستاني. وعن محمد بالإحساس به. وثمرته فيما لو توضأت ووضعت الكرسف ثم أحست بنزول الدم إليه قبل الغروب ثم رفعته بعده تقضي الصوم عنده خلافا لهما

رد المحتار، كتاب الطهارة، باب الحيض: ? / ??? دار الكتب العلمية

قوله ولو شرعت تطوعا فيهما ) أي في الصلاة والصوم ؛ أما الفرض ففي الصوم ) [ii]

تقضيه دون الصلاة وإن مضى من الوقت ما يمكنها أداؤها فيه ؛ لأن العبرة عندنا لآخر الوقت كما في المنبع ( قوله فحاضت ) أي في أثنائهما ( قوله قضتهما ) للزومهما بالشروع

المرجع السابق: ? / ???