Women of a Madrassah Performing salaah in Jamaa'ah Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Shurut [preconditions] of Salaah

Women of a Madrassah Performing salaah in Jamaa'ah

Q: Salaah-697: There is a Masjid built on the premises of a Madrassah, but has presently been made exclusive for the female students. Will it be permissible for some of the administrators to perform their salaah in Jamaa'ah and be followed by the female students on the upper story?

Answer: Women are not required to perform salaah in Jamaa'ah and have not been commanded to do so. They need to habituate themselves with performing salaah individually. Therefore, even in the stated case, the students ought to perform their salaah individually and to keep the Masjid occupied, the administrators should call out the Adhaan on time and then perform the salaahs in Jamaa'ah, ensuring that the female students are screened from them. If time does not permit, they may perform the Fardh salaah in the Masjid and the remaining salaah in their quarters. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2