If a Muslim forgets to say “Allahu akbar” at the time of sacrifice, does the animal become haram? Print
Food & Drink - Food

Q: 67 – Title: If a Muslim forgets to say “Allahu akbar” at the time of sacrifice, does the animal become haram?


As-salamu ‘alaykum.

If a Muslim sacrifices a goat or sheep, but forgets to say “Allahu akbar” during the act, does the animal become haram? If he remembers later and says “Allahu akbar,” will that make it halal?

Please clarify.  Jazakum Allah khayran.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-sal?mu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh.

It is necessary to slaughter with the name of Allah (tasmiyah). The proper words for the tasmiyah are “bismillahi Allahu akbar,” although “bismillah” would suffice, as well.

If a Muslim forgets to say the tasmiyah at the time of slaughtering, then the animal is still halal. He does not need to say the words afterward.

However, if he/she leaves it out intentionally, then the animal will not be halal.

(فإن ترك التسمية ناسيا حل) لأن في تحريمه حرجا عظيما لأن الإنسان قلما يخلو عن النسيان فكان في اعتباره حرج

(الاختيار، كتاب الذبائح: 5/426؛ عرابي)

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Abrar Mirza
Chicago, IL (USA)

Under the Supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai (South Africa)