Forcing the Mu'adhin to say 'Allaahumma Aameen' Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Etiquettes of Salaah

Forcing the Mu'adhin to say 'Allaahumma Aameen'

Q: Salaah-616: I am a Mu'adhin at a Masjid and the trustee of the, Masjid tells me to say "Allaahumma Aameen" when the Imaam lifts his hands to make du'aa after the Jumu'ah salaah. He also tells me to say "Bi Rahmatika Yaa Arhamur Raahimeen" as soon as the Imaam completes the du'aa. What is the ruling?

Answer: Du'aa after the salaah needs to be made silently, as discussed in a previous Fatwa of Fataawaa Raheemiyyah. The Muqtadi need not start and finish with the Imaam. He may even start before the Imaam and finish afterwards. It is therefore not necessary to say the words stated in the question and it will be wrong to compel the Mu'adhin to say them. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2