Performing salaah with a Bottle of Urine in the Pocket Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Etiquettes of Salaah

Performing salaah with a Bottle of Urine in the Pocket

Q: Salaah-628: A man was carrying in his pocket a bottle with some urine in it, which he was taking for testing. When the time for salaah arrived, he performed the salaah, forgetting to remove the bottle from his pocket. The bottle was however sealed tight. Will it be necessary to repeat the salaah?

Answer: 'the salaah will not be valid in the stated case and will have to be repeated. Umdatul Fiqh (Vol.2 Pg.46) states that when any impurity is not within its place of origin, salaah with it will be invalid. Therefore, performing salaah with a bottle of wine or urine will render the salaah invalid even though it is full or not and regardless of whether the bottle is closed to not. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2