What does "One with sequence" mean? Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Qada [fulfilling missed Salaah]

Question 182) - What does "One with sequence" mean?

A: In the terminology of the Fuqaha one with less than six omitted Salah is called, "One with sequence." It is Wajib on him to fulfil the Salah which are on time as well as the missed ones in their correct sequence. It is Wajib on him to pray the omitted Salah in their correct order. He may not pray the "on time" Salah before the missed ones. If he does the opposite then he must repeat what he prayed.

For example, one of sequence prayed a missed 'Asr but he still has the missed Zhuhr to fulfil. It is Wajib on him to then pray the missed Zhuhr and repeat the missed 'Asr.

An example of "on-time" versus missed - a man of sequence remembered a missed Salah at the time of Zhuhr. He then prayed the zhuhr before the missed Sarah. It is Wajib for him to pray the missed Salah then repeat the Zhuhr.

~ al-Quduri ~