What actions and words nullify Salah? Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Nullification of Salaah

Question 185) - What actions and words nullify Salah?

A: The actions are:

1. Eating or drinking, even if forgetfully.
2. Performing many actions not of Salah.
3. Deliberately talking.
4. Walking three or more steps continuously.
5. Turning the chest away from the Qiblah.
6. Unconsciousness.
7. Insanity.
8. Hadath Akbar, whether through looking or nocturnal emission.
9. Standing in line with a woman who may be sexually desired in a general Salah in which she has joined from the Tahrimah and she is in the same place without any obstacle.
10. Fulfilling a Rukn Essential deed of Saintly with an exposed 'awrah or Najasah which prevents Salah.
11. Laughing so loud that you can hear your laugh.

The words are:

1. To speak a word, be it deliberately, forgetfully or by mistake.
2. Making Salam to someone.
3. Returning Salaam verbally.
4. To sigh.
5. To groan.
6. To moan.
7. To verbally cry due to pain or calamity, but not due to remembering Jannah or Hell.
8. Replying to a sneezer, "May Allaah have mercy on you."
9. Replying, "La ilaha illAllaah," to one asking about Allaah having a partner.
10. Saying, "Inna filth wa inna ilayhi raji'un," when hearing bad news.
11. Saying, "Alhamdulillah," when hearing good news.
12. Saying, "La ilaha illAllaah? or '~SubhanAllaah' out of surprise.
13. Anything which is a reply or addressing someone, e.g. saying as speech, "Ya Yahya khuzil Kitaba biquwah - O Yahya take the Book with strength."
14. Rectifying someone who is not your Imam.
15. Such a mistake in Qira-ah or Takbir which corrupts the meaning, such as extending [madd] the Hamzah of Allaahu Akbar. (It becomes a question, "Is Allaah the greatest?").

~ al-Quduri ~