When a Musalli Continues the Salaah after his Wudhu had Broken Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Nullification of Salaah

When a Musalli Continues the Salaah after his Wudhu had Broken

Q: Salaah-626: A man passed wind while performing salaah and although he knew that his wudhu had broken, he did not know that he was to terminate the salaah and make wudhu again. He thought that something as important as salaah cannot be terminated and therefore continued the salaah. He then made wudhu after completing the salaah and repeated the salaah. Is his Imaan and marriage still intact?

Answer: Salaah is nullified when wudhu is broken, and continuing the salaah is a grave sin. Since the man did so in ignorance. there will be no need to renew his Imaan or marriage, but he will need to repent excessively. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2