Using a Deserted Eid Gah and Demolishing the Mihraab and Mimbar for Extensions Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Salaah of the Two 'Id

Using a Deserted Eid Gah and Demolishing the Mihraab and Mimbar for Extensions

Q: Salaah-552: We have a Eid Gah in our town that has become a Deserted spot gambling and drinking have become the order of the day since the area fell into the hands of non-Muslims. The area remained perpetually polluted by urine and stool and could not be used at all. However, some youngsters in the area have made a tremendous effort to Erect a wall around the Eid Gah and have managed to end the occupation of the non-Muslims. All praise belongs to Allaah for that. Will there be any harm done of the Mimbar and Mihraab if the Eid Gah is moved from their positions to the centre to extend the Eid Gah?

Answer: It is necessary for the Mihraab (the place where the Imaam stands) to be at the centre of the Masjid so that the rows remain equal on both sides. It is Makrooh for one side to be longer than the others. There will therefore be no harm done if the Mihraab is stationed at the centre and the Mimbar close by.

It is Sunnah Mu'akkadah for the Eid salaahs to be performed at the Eid Gah and because a city as large as Surat had no arrangements for an Eid Gah, the Eid salaah was performed in almost all the Masjids. People had to go to Rander to attend the Eid Gah. It is therefore essential that Surat has an Eid Gah. It is because of the negligence of the Muslims that the Eid Gah has become non-existent and a place where thousands performed salaah and thousands of heads made Sajdah had fallen to the non-Muslims and become a place of gambling, liquor and years of accumulated urine and filth. This had become a cause of misfortune for the Muslims.

Allaah be praised for the good souls who took heed, who freed the place from the hold of these people and purified it. These people are worthy of congratulations and it is vital that all Muslims lend them a hand because every person assisting in this will be assisting in reviving a Sunnah and will be worthy of receiving the rewards of a hundred martyrs. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2