It was Realised after the witr saraah that Two Rakaahs of the Taraaweeh needed to be Repeated Print
SALAAH.. The Book of Prayer - Salaah of Ramadan

It was Realised after the witr saraah that Two Rakaahs of the Taraaweeh needed to be Repeated

Q: Salaah-18: It was only after performing the Taraaweeh salaah that it was realised that it was Waajib (compulsory) to repeat two Rakaahs of the Taraaweeh. These two Rakaahs were then completed and, because it was thought that the Witr needed to follow the Taraaweeh salaah, the Witr was then also repeated in congregation. Is this correct?

Answer: It was not necessary to repeat the Witr salaah and wrong to have done so. Nurul ldhaa (Pg.105) states that it is in order to perform the Witr salaah before or after the Taraaweeh salaah. And Allaah knows best what is most correct,

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2