Failing to face the Deceased Towards the Qibla Print
Funeral Laws - carrying and Burial

Failing to face the Deceased Towards the Qibla

Q: Janaa'iz-104: It is customary here to place the body of a child in a coffin after bathing and shrouding it. When a five-month old child passed away recently, the people placing him in the coffin did not specify how they had done it. It was later learnt that the child was not laid facing the Qibla. Will there be any sin for not facing the child towards the Qibla?

Answer: While it will be sinful to intentionally face the deceased away from the Qibla, there is no harm done when this is done in error. If this is discovered before throwing sand into the grave, the bricks, planks or bamboo may be removed to turn the body towards Qibla. It is however sinful and not permissible to do so after the grave has been filled with sand. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3