Is there another way the Mazun slave can be incapacitated? Print

Question 1386) - Is there another way the Mazun slave can be incapacitated?

A: Yes, If the owner dies, becomes insane or enters the lands of the Kuffar as an apostate then the slave becomes incapacitated.* When a Mazun slave runs away he becomes incapacitated. When a Mazun slave-girl gives birth to her owner's child she becomes incapacitated.

* If the slave becomes completely insane he becomes incapacitated, as when he enters the lands of the Kuffar as an apostate. According to Abu Hanifah RAH. he becomes incapacitated as soon as he abandons Islam. According to the other two Imams when he enters the lands of the Kuffar.

~ al-Quduri ~