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If he attaches a condition to the nazr what is the ruling, e.g. "If Allaah cures me/ if my son comes then I shall fast/ pray perform Hajj/ free a slave," etc. PDF Print E-mail

Question 2146) - If he attaches a condition to the nazr what is the ruling, e.g. "If Allaah cures me/ if my son comes then I shall fast/ pray perform Hajj/ free a slave," etc.

A: It is Wajib to fulfil in this case also because the words of the ayah are general, "And they fulfil their nazr." It is narrated that Imaam Abu Hanifah RAH. said, "If someone makes nazr,'If I do so then I have to make Hajj or fast a year,' kaffarah of yamin will suffice him."
This is also the view of lmaam Muhammed RAH .

~ al-Quduri ~


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