Using Perfume that contains Alcohol Print

Using Perfume that contains Alcohol

Q: Prohibitions and Permissions-33: Perfumes sometimes contain 60%, 70% and even up to 90% alcohol. Can they be used and can salaah be performed with them?

Answer: Alcohol is really the essence of wine that is chemically extracted. If it is extracted from fermented grapes or dates, it will be impure and Haraam according to the consensus of all scholars. Using even a drop of it will not be permissible. However, scholars differ when it is extracted from wheat, potatoes and other substances. It is, however, best not to use it when performing salaah. If a person does happen to perform salaah with the perfume, the salaah will be valid because the amount of alcohol is less than the minimum amount of impurity that nullifies salaah. The salaah will, nonetheless, be Makrooh. The amount may well be more than the amount if one sprays the perfume on the body, thus casting a doubt on the validity of the salaah. One should therefore refrain from using such perfumes. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3