Teaching Young Women to Drive Cars Print

Teaching Young Women to Drive Cars

Q: Prohibitions and Permissions-51: What is the ruling concerning teaching young women to drive?

Answer: While teaching them to drive is permissible in itself, it is strongly discouraged, especially when she needs to associate with non-Mahram men in the process and disregard the laws of Hijaab. It is almost impossible nowadays for a woman to obtain her driver's licence without resorting to these sins. In her training, she will have to sit beside a non-Mahram man and talk to him, an act which totally flouts the laws of Hijaab. In addition to this, there are several other evils that a woman should guard herself against.

The Qur'aan's instruction to women is to remain indoors and not to make a display of herself as was the practise of women during the Period of Ignorance. 'And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3