Will the Masbooq Recite the Durood and Du'aa in Qa'dah? Print

Will the Masbooq Recite the Durood and Du'aa in Qa'dah?

Q: Salaah-373: A person missed two Rakaahs. Should he also recite the Durood and du'aa when the Imaam recites these with the Tashahhud in the final Qa'dah? Should he then remain silent?

Answer: The Masbooq should recite the Tashahhud so slowly in the Qa'dah that he ends his Tashahhud when the Imaam makes Salaam. He may also repeat ('Ash Hadu alaa Ilaaha Illallaah') after reciting the Tashahhud. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2