Observing a Minute's Silence upon the Death of Someone Print

Observing a Minute's Silence upon the Death of Someone

Q: Janaa'iz-29: The West practise the custom of observing a minute's silence when an important person passes away as a mark of respect. This practice has become common. Is it permissible?

Answer: This method of expressing grief is not permissible because it entails emulating the Christians and other non-Muslims. It must therefore be forsaken.
Hadhrat Ubaadah bin Saamit RADI. reports that Rasulullaah SAW. used to remain standing and would not sit down until the deceased was laid into the grave to rest. He was once standing at a graveside with the Sahabah RADI. when a Jew remarked, "This is how we do at our funerals." Rasulullaah SAW. then immediately sat down and instructed the Sahabah RADI. saying, "Sit down and oppose their ways. Rasulullaah SAW. said, "The person treads a path other than ours is not from amongst us.

Rasulullaah SAW. also said, "The one who imitates a nation is from amongst them. Hadhrat Hasan said, "There were very few who imitated a nation without becoming one of them." The following is a true story to take lesson from.

There was a Christian holding an important post in Kaanpur who became a Muslim. He however concealed his reversion from the Christians. When the time came for him to be transferred to another place, he requested the Molvi Sahib from whom he was learning Islaam to send someone with him to teach him more about Islaam. The Molvi Sahib then sent one of his dedicated students with. After some time when the man was about to pass away, he gave some money to the student and instructed him saying, "After I die and in buried in the Christian graveyard, please exhume my body at night and bury me in a Muslim graveyard.

He then passed away and the student did as instructed. However, when opened the grave, he did not find the body of the revert, but that of the Molvi Sahib. Upon investigation, it was learnt that the Molvi Sahib always liked the ways of the Christians and thought good of it. The body of the revert had already been transferred to the grave of the Molvi Sahib.

There are many other similar stories recorded. May Allaah safeguard us all. Aameen. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3