Fasting for a Person with Tuberculosis Print

Fasting for a Person with Tuberculosis

Q: Saum-31: I have been diagnosed with Tuberculosis and have been undergoing treatment for the past six months. While the initial x-ray that showed the infection, another x-ray taken lour nrorrths larer shorved improvement. I am being treated by the Hakeem Fakhrud Deen Sahib and he has advised me not to fast Now that there remains only fifteen days for Ramadhaan. what is the ruling of the Sirari'ah? I have writren this letter upon The advice of the Hakeem.

Answer: If the Hakeem has advised not fasting because of fear of the Tuberculosis worsening, his advice should be taken. The Hakeem is himself an Aalim and a professional Hakeem. His opinion is therefore noteworthy You mag repeat the fasts once you have recovered. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3