How much before Zawaal must Salaah be Stopped? Print

How much before Zawaal must Salaah be Stopped?

Q:Salaah-313: There is a village near ours where the Masjid has a notice board stating that salaah may not be performed from midday until Zawaal. The duration is approximately forty minutes. Is this correct? Therefore, even on the day of Jumu'ah. one may not perform any salaah in the Masjid during that time. Please inform us of how many minutes can no salaah be performed.

Answer: The time for Zawaal may be seen by keeping a pen or a stick erect. Salaah may be stopped for eight to ten minutes before Zawaal and for eight to ten minutes afterwards. Stopping ten to twelve minutes before and after is best when there is cloud about because there is extra caution in this, the opinion stating that salaah be stopped from midday until Zawaal is based on even more precaution. See Shaami (Vol.1 Pg. 344-345) , Maraaqil Falaah and Tahtaawi alaa Maraaqil Falqah pg.107. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2