Will a Menstruating Woman Perform the Tawaaf Ziyaarah? Print

Will a Menstruating Woman Perform the Tawaaf Ziyaarah?

Q: Hajj-9: What will happen if a menstruating woman leaves without performing the Tawaaf Ziyaarah?

Answer: Hajj will not be complete with the Tawaaf Ziyaarah. It is only once the Tawaaf Ziyaarah is performed that the Hajj will be completed. The woman may delay the Tawaaf Ziyaarah until after the menses. If (due to ignorance) she performed the Tawaaf Ziyaarah while menstruating, the Hajj will be completed, but she will have to repent for the wrong and sacrifice a cow or a camel.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3