Extending the Sound of the Hamza in the Phrase Allaahu Akbar Print

Extending the Sound of the Hamza in the? Phrase Allaahu Akbar

Q: Miss-18: Some people and even some Imaams extend the sound of the Hamza (1) when saying "Allaahu Akbar" (they say ?AKBAR? instead of "AKBAR"). They also extend the sound of the (BAA) when saying "Allaahu Akbar" (they say "AKBAR" instead of "AKBAR"). what is the ruling concerning this?

Answer: "Allaahu Akbar" should be said in a manner that the sound of the Hamza of the word Allaah is not extended. The Hamza should be recited immediately after the Laam "(A..KBAR) instead of (AKBAR.) This,however, depends on how it is heard. Similarly, when reciting the word Akbar. the Kaaf should be recited immediately after Hamza and the Raa should be recited immediately after the Baa (i e A..KBAR" instead of AKBAR and "AKBAR..). Again, this depends on how one listens.

Extending the Hamza in any of the above cases constitutes a major error and if they are made when calling out the Takbeer Tahreema, the person will not have entered into salaah at all. If they are committed while calling out the Takbeer as one changes postures in salaah, the salaah will be invalidated. Imaams should therefore exercise extreme caution in the matter and ensure that they practice well to pronounce the words correctly.

Majaalisul Abraar (Majlis 52 Pg.603) adds that deliberately extending the sound of the Hamza when saying "Allaahu Akbar" (AKBAR instead of A..KBAR) constitutes Kufr because it presents a doubt to whether Allaah is the greatest. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.3