How Long after Zawaal should the Jumu'ah Adhaan be called out? Print

How Long after Zawaal should the Jumu'ah Adhaan be called out?

Q : Salaah-605:how long after zawaal does the Makrooh time last? When can the Jumu'ah Adhaan be called out?

Answer: A pen or a straight stick should be placed upright to check the timeof Zawaal. All salaah should be stopped approximately eight to ten minutes before the time of Zawaal until approximately eight to ten minutes after Zawaal. Because the time for Zawaal will be more difficult to calculate when the weather is overcast, one should use the measure of ten to twelve minutes instead. On the day of Jumu'ah, it is best to delay the Adhaan to ten to thirteen minutes after Zawaal because people usually start their Sunnah salaah immediately after the Adhaan. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2