Performing salaah with the Sleeves Rolled up Print

Performing salaah with the Sleeves Rolled up

Q: Salaah-252: Is there any harm in performing salaah with a short-sleeved shirt?

Answer: It is prohibited to perform salaah with sleeves rolled up to the elbows and with fashionable clothing such as short-sleeved shirts. This renders the salaah Makrooh. Fuqahaa have stated that if a person's sleeves are rolled up to make wudhu and in eagerness to join the Jamaa'ah he starts salaah with the sleeves still rolled up, he should slowly roll them back down again while performing salaah. He must however not do an excessive act to get them down such ai using both hands to do so, because of which he will not appear to be performing salaah. If he does commit an excessive act, his salaah will be nullified. It must also be remembered that folding up the sleeves while performing salaah because of heat will nullify the salaah.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2