For a Leper to be an Imaam Print

For a Leper to be an Imaam

Q: Salaah-378: People disapprove of a leper performing salaah in Jamaa'ah. Will it then be permissible for him to perform salaah at home? Who will then shoulder the sin of him missing salaah in Jamaa'ah? What is the ruling concerning him being the Imaam? Will it be permissible for a person with vitiligo (commonly called white liver) to be an Imaam? Can he be followed?

Answer: Leprosy is a frightening disease and even the families of sufferers Stay away from them. Lepers are therefore not allowed in the Masaajid because people do not want to be with them. It is will also be Makrooh for the leper to be an Imaam. When the vitiligo has spread throughout the body and people feel uncomfortable with the person, it will also be Makrooh for him to be an Imaam. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2