For a Barber to be the Imaam Print

For a Barber to be the Imaam

Q: Salaah-385: I am the Mu'adhin in Dharampur and am also a barber. When our Imaam is away, I sometimes lead the salaah, but people are objecting. They say that performing salaah behind me is Makrooh because I am a barber, especially because I shave people's beards off. Is it really Makrooh for me to lead the salaah?

Answer: A barber can be an Imaam is he knows the rules and regulations of salaah and is a righteous person. However, if he shaves people's beard off, he will be regarded as a Faasiq and it will be Makrooh to perform salaah behind him. Salaah should not be made behind him if he is ignorant and not a righteous person. However, if in the Imaam's absence there is none better than the barber to lead the salaah, performing salaah behind such an Imaam will be better than performing salaah individually because of the great emphasis of salaah in Jamaa'ah. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2