An Imaam who Led the Salaah in a State of Impurity Print

An Imaam who Led the Salaah in a State of Impurity

Q: Salaah-395: After leading the Fajr salaah one morning, I realised that I had been in a state of impurity (Janaabah). Will my salaah and the salaah of the followers be valid? I have no recollection of who was there that morninq and am now perplexed. What am I to do?

Answer: Neither yours nor the salaah of the followers was valid. You will all have to repeat the salaah. You may either inform the Musallis individually or make an announcement to the effect that all those who were present for the Fajr salaah on that particular day will have to repeat their salaah. Those who never hear about it will be excused. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2