Reciting' Akbaar' instead of ' Akbar' Print

Reciting' Akbaar' instead of ' Akbar'

Q: Salaah-408: Instead of reciting "Alaahu Akbar", our Imaam extends the Letter '(baa)'. This he does every time he calls out the Takbeer to change postures. Is the salaah valid?

Answer: The preferred opinion is that extending the letter (baa) to turn (Akbar) into (Akbaar) will render the Takbeer Tahreema invalid and a person will not be deemed as having started salaah. If he recited the Takbeer Tahreema correctly and then recited the other Takbeers within the salaah incorrectly as (Akbaar) the salaah will be nullified. Ignorance will not be an excuse. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2