How will a Hanafi Perform the Eid salaah behind a Shaafi'ee? Print

How will a Hanafi Perform the Eid salaah behind a Shaafi'ee?

Q: Salaah-30: What do the Ulema of Deen have to say about a Hanafi following a Shaafi'ee in the Eid salaah? Whereas the Imaam will be calling out seven Takbeers in the first Rakaah and five in the second Rakaah, the Hanafi Madh'hab requires that only three Takbeers be called out in each Rakaah. making it a total of six. Should the Hanafi make all twelve Takbeers or make only six and then remain silent for the rest?

Answer: When a Hanafi is following a Shaafi'ee Imaam in the Eid salaah, he should follow the Imaam in the Takbeers as well. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2