Performing only One Sajdah Sahw Print

Performing only One Sajdah Sahw

Q: salaah-726: An imaam needed to perform sajdah sahw in his salaah, but instead of performing two sajdahs, he performed any one. How will the salaah be repeated if ire remembered this only after the time for the salaah had expired? Must the Muqtadis be gathered to perform the saraah in Jamaa?ah or must they perform it individually? It is possible to gather them together, please inform us also if there is no need to re[eat the salaah.

Answer: It is Waajib (compulsory) to perform two Sajdah as Sajdah Sahw. If only one is performed, the salaah will be incomplete and will need to be repeated. If the Muqtadis have not yet dispersed the salaah may be repeated in Jamaa'ah, but it is not necessary to do so after they have dispersed. It will suffice for them to repeat the salaah individually. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2