Not reciting Surah Faatiha in full Print

Not reciting Surah Faatiha in full

Q: Salaah-506: It is Waajib (compulsory) to recite the Surah Faatiha in salaah. However, what will be the ruling if some part of the Surah is not recited? Will Sajdah Sahw be necessary?

Answer: There is a difference of opinion in the matter. While Imaam Abu Haneefah RAH. is of the opinion that reciting the complete Surah Faatiha is Waajib (compulsory), Saahibayn (Imaam Abu Yusuf RAH. and Imaam Muhammad RAH. ) are of the opinion that it is Waajib (compulsory) to recite half of Surah Faatiha or more. They therefore say that omitting the Surah after half has been recited will not necessitate Sajdah Sahw. The opinion of Imaam Abu Haneefah RAH. is however more cautious and better substantiated. Therefore, Sajdah Sahw will be necessary for not reciting all of Surah Faatiha. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2