When Reaching one's Hometown Print

When Reaching one's Hometown

Q: Salaah-124: My hometown in Jambosar, but I am staying in Bombay for business. I will have to return to Jambosar for a wedding and will be travelling to a village a few miles outside to meet friends and family. Do I perform Qasr there or not?

Answer: You will perform salaah in full while there because Jambosar is your hometown (place of permanent residence) and Qasr cannot be performed at one's hometown. As soon as any Musaafir reaches his hometown, he immediately becomes a Muqeem. Travelling to a place a few miles outside the hometown will not make him a Musaafir again unless it lies a distance of 48 miles or more. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2