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Reciting Durood in the First Sitting of the Sunnah Rakaahs of Jumu'ah PDF Print E-mail

Reciting Durood in the First Sitting of the Sunnah Rakaahs of Jumu'ah

Q: Salaah-75: Can Durood be recited in the first sitting of the four Sunnah Mu'akkadah Rakaahs before the Zuhr and Jumu'ah salaahs and the four Rakaahs after the Jumu'ah salaah?

Answer: Durood may not be recited during the first sitting (between the second and third Rakaahs). If it is recited unintentionally, Sajdah Sahw should be made. However, there is a difference of opinion amongst the research scholars like Allaama Shaami RAH. concerning reciting the Durood in the first sitting of the four Rakaahs after the Jumu'ah salaah.3 And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2


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