Where should the Imaam sit after the First Adhaan of Jumu'ah? Print

Where should the Imaam sit after the First Adhaan of Jumu'ah?

Q: Salaah-532: The Imaam does not come to the Mihraab and pulpit after the first Adhaan of Jumu'ah. He remains in a room of the Masjid where he performs his Sunnah and Nawaafil salaahs and comes to the pulpit only at the time of the Khutbah. What is the best method?

Answer: The preferred and Masnoon method is for the Imaam to remain in the room of the Masjid before the Khutbah. If there is no such room, he should sit in a special and peaceful place on the right of the pulpit, where he is to perform his Sunnah salaah. It is only when the time for the Khutbah approaches that he should go to the Mimbar (pulpit). It was the practice of Rasulullaah SAW. to mount the Mimbar only at the time of the Khutbah. Before this, he would remain in his room, which was to the right of the Mimbar. This was also the practice of the Khulafaa Raashideen and still remains the practice in the Haramain (Makkah and Madinah).
The Hadith states, "When the Imaam emerges, there should neither be any salaah nor any speech." The word "emerges" indicates that the Imaam's place is not the Mihraab but another special place, since words like "stands up" were not used.

Narrations state that during the Khilaafah of Hadhrat Umar RADI. and Hadhrat Uthmaan RADI. Hadhrat Tameem Daari RADI. and Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah RADI. used to deliver lectures at the Mimbar on Fridays and would stop as soon as the Ameerul Mu'mineen emerged from his room to deliver the Khutbah.

Tafseer Mawaahibur Rahmaan states that it is Sunnah for the Imaam to make an appearance just as Rasulullaah SAW. and the Khulafaa Raashideen did. Fuqahaa therefore state that the Khateeb should remain in the room of the Masjid before the Khutbah and if there is no such room, he should sit in a peaceful place on the right of the pulpit. If the right of the pulpit is not peaceful place, he may choose another place that is peaceful' It is Makrooh for the Khateeb to perform the Sunnah salaah before the Khutbah in the Mihraab. What your Imaam is doing conforms with the sunnah. This practice has been neglected nowadays. May Allaah grant all Imaams the inspiration to practise it. And Allaah knows best what is most correct.

Fatawa Rahimiyyah vol.2